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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2022

Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt Vintage Halloween shirt

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  I don't have to be personally reaponsible to be sorry that in the past some people were treated very badly. I can be sorry that somene has cancer when that is obviously not my fault. I think the problem here is a language problem. There are two meaning to the word sorry - I am sad that I did something wrong and I am sad about your situation. People cofuse being sorry with apologising. Kenneth Richens I don't think so. Neither do MI6. When you head an organisation that's been in the wrong, and the individuals responsible are retired, sure, go ahead and apologise for that. It's not about the semantics, it's about whether it helps those being apologised to. Michalina Rudawska so people have to "recognize and understand what was wrong and how it was wrong" and also "work on the environment" whilst not feeling guilty?  Buy it here:  Cats make me happy humans make my head hurt Vintage Halloween shirt

Dinosaur Nursing is a walk in the Park Vintage shirt

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 As a middle-class citizen in Myanmar, I have a safety net during these times. I have a roof over my head and three meals a day which the majority of the civil servants on strike are risking. These people are the real troopers and it is time we realize that real heroes are always the ones in disguise. And I question myself every night if I could give up everything in my life to fight a war? Before February 1st, we had so many dreams simply because we could. We dare to dream of futures in which every citizen lives above the poverty lines it is a difficult thing but at least we were working towards it. We had dreams to fight COVID-19 and open up businesses again. And the dream that our voices were being heard through the democratically elected representatives. I grew up under a military dictatorship and moved to the States for college at 18. After spending a couple of years in the land of the free, I tasted freedom.  Buy it here:  Dinosaur Nursing is a walk in the Park Vin...

Bear I will go down with this shit I won’t throw my hands up in surrender shirt

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 As a middle-class citizen in Myanmar, I have a safety net during these times. I have a roof over my head and three meals a day which the majority of the civil servants on strike are risking. These people are the real troopers and it is time we realize that real heroes are always the ones in disguise. And I question myself every night if I could give up everything in my life to fight a war? Before February 1st, we had so many dreams simply because we could. We dare to dream of futures in which every citizen lives above the poverty lines it is a difficult thing but at least we were working towards it. We had dreams to fight COVID-19 and open up businesses again. And the dream that our voices were being heard through the democratically elected representatives. I grew up under a military dictatorship and moved to the States for college at 18. After spending a couple of years in the land of the free, I tasted freedom.  Buy it here:  Bear I will go down with this shit I won’t...

Enjoy Stnir kjhiyviptrg shirt

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 The UN does, however, have the capacity to shut down all power, so first Houston (which is operations management for stealing) was powered down, then the rest of texas for an extended period to encourage the organised crime operations to stay closed. The next step is the physical destruction of all property associated with those stealing operations, which means military strike by the UN on all those factories and office blocks, while the power is out so no-one gets hurt, giving everyone a chance to give up their stealing practises. How can people not know of a safe drinking water space anywhere near their homes? I know of at least 3 within a few miles of here. Obviously the fault of failed state governance and politicians, but people need to have some idea of how to survive if things go wrong in future.  Buy it here:  Enjoy Stnir kjhiyviptrg shirt

It’s better to have lived in California and moved than to never have lived here at all shirt

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  because there are not jews to blame with retarded antisemitic narratives.  You don't need a card to prove you have been vaccinated against MMR (and many aren't due to misguided parents) or smallpox or any other life saving vaccine we have. This us no different. We do not live in a police state thank God! Sylvia Dunai Okay so you are unvaccinated and allowed to go about your life as normal and you get an asymptomatic does of mild covid so you don't realise and go about your daily business. 2 weeks later you are contacted by Track and Trace who inform you that you were the cause of 6 more people catching covid, 3 of which had to be hospitalised and 2 of those have died. They explain that those 6 people you infected couldn't have the vaccination for medical reasons whereas you made a choice not to. How you going to feel? That is why its important for everyone who can have the vaccination to have it to protect those that can't. Buy it here:  It’s better to have lived ...

Competition Eliminates Complacency shirt

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 All proteins when get to our stomach are broken up into those amino acids so they can get absorbed on our intestine n used by our cells to make our own proteins.  Richard Carrassai ummm, for some of us it is necessary. There are various micronutrients that we simply cannot get from plants and using supplements for those micronutrients does not offer the bioavailability of those micronutrients in the same way. Choose how you want to eat, it’s your right. But don’t misinform people that it’s not necessary to eat meat. Dee Violet The issue is the conditions in which the animals are raised and treated through their lives and the only ones to blame are the big corporations that are connected with the gates and the Zuckerberg. Not me that I am a consumer only,  Buy it here:  Competition Eliminates Complacency shirt ​​​​​​​

Pizza Slut shirt

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 It's not about the number of cases! It's about the number of people that get hospitalised and die from it, that's the whole point of the vaccine. We have lived with the flu for years, kids pass around illness all the time and parents get it, as long as the vaccine stops people getting seriously ill it shouldn't matter that they go back! I don’t think so when he sends every child back into school at the same time with no PPE, no social distancing and no vaccinations for teaching staff. So you can only meet up with one more person outside yet those teaching can be in a room with 30 different households. Buy it here:  Pizza Slut shirt

Definition Woman an adult human female shirt

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  Thugs roam around, people get arrested, fires start, and small cities could be under attack by the defenders of the country. This coup takes a big toll on our mental health. We are afraid but we all have this little hope in us. Everyone I know is working towards achieving this little hope. All we want is to get our country back. The fragile banking, economy, and transportation. We want to fix those fragile things through our chosen representatives. We will happily accept this mess and build the country again. We want to make sure our next generation could thrive and not take democracy for granted. And you people are rejoicing and defending when military conducted genocide against Rohingya minority, the arrested party leader even goes to point of defending army against accusations of genocide and rape at UN security meeting making military action legal under her watch Buy it here:  Definition Woman an adult human female shirt

Eco Sister Kolby Jack friend shirt

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 I really do not get this, if you have a chance to get vaccinated, go take it (unless your doctor tells you otherwise) - Israeli residents are so privileged to be offered vaccinations, here in Europe we can only dream of it. Good job Israel. Israel with its relatively small population is a good lab for the rest of the world to watch and learn from. I haven't heard anything from S. Korea or other Asian countries that appeared to have early success lately. Governments should be sharing data so others can evaluate what is working and what is not. We are very unsuccessful in lifting lockdown and very slow rolling out the vaccine in the UK. And their a lot of negative feedback from our professionals that we wont get ahead of the virus anytime this year. They're probably gonna do what China did.  Buy it here:  Eco Sister Kolby Jack friend shirt

I don’t have the time or the Crayons to explain this to you shirt

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  How am I supposed to learn, as you have suggested I do, if I don't ask questions? Your response to my questions is quite frankly rather odd and doesn't make any sense. You tell me I should research and learn about a subject I know nothing about - but at the same time try to mock and belittle me for asking questions. You tell me to 'find out my answers' but tell me that asking questions is wrong? It's all very strange. Why is going on line my only option to learn? Surely asking teachers, experts, mentors etc is a valid why of learning too? Maybe I am mistaken but I thought that asking a Religious person questions about Religion was a valid way of expanding my knowledge on the subject - guess I was wrong huh? According to your recommendations best not ask your Doctor any medical related questions next time you see him/her, or your  Buy it here:  I don’t have the time or the Crayons to explain this to you shirt

I’m so dead inside shirt

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 If you are a Church that operates as an established Church with its own building you can livestream or even meet in person but this being the Church on the Streets, for them the street or in this case a car park is the place they should be able to worship. I wonder what will happen if this is contested in the courts. I really respect them for feeding the homeless and they should be protected to continue that good work. So if the tent and food was really there to feed the homeless, then I'm not sure why they have to face a 10.000 pounds fine. If it was a food party for Church members who arrive in car and are not homeless, we have a different story. Farida Boomla Yep- plenty of people 'bowing down' to the 'gods' of materialism by usurping habitats and building monstrosities, or for farming to feed the 'god' of gluttony, or for growing oil-related crops which furnish the cosmetic sectors and the gods of vanity.  Buy it here:  I’m so dead inside shirt

My tummy hurts and I’m mad at the Government shirt

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   The whole psyop and propaganda effort is to change that to create a more conformist society. The lockdown zealots are having a little moment of glory but sooner or later the tyrants will come for them too. No good will come of this. We are being bullied to trust the government. We are not accountable to the government, they are accountable to us. We forget this at our peril. Euphoria Ruby Kaur they are in their cars though in their bubbles. Do you go inside a shop? I bet you do. How many strangers are inside? Many. Also, churches with buildings are being allowed, where people from different bubbles will breathe the same air. Which is more dangerous? Tee Marufu Food is essential, I try my best to follow protocol in order to protect myself but more so the wider community. Consequently, ‘some persons’ view excuses as the end to any proposition, and perceive there to be logical reasons behind that perception. Buy it here:  My tummy hurts and I’m mad at the Government shirt...

Never underestimate a man who understands music and loves Big Time Rush shirt

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 Our opinion doesn’t really matter. It’s not up to us if adults vaccinate or if schools or retails open up. Unfortunately. However, stay safe. This thread is too much for me now on a Monday morning so I’m off. Margaret Edwards a lot of staff are in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s who will not be vaccinated until the summer. Many children can be asymptomatic therefore spreading the virus without knowing or showing symptoms. It’s fabulous that some schools have had no cases but for others it’s a pretty scary environment to be in right now. Margaret Edwards I can assure you that teachers are actively discouraged from wearing masks, and keeping windows open does not stop transmission (wearing a mask protects the kids btw, not the wearer). Many teachers are UNDER the current vaccination age group actually.  Buy it here:  Never underestimate a man who understands music and loves Big Time Rush shirt

Karen Huger I got vassinated so I could be around you heifers shirt

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  She doesn't get a contract review after posting that Covid is a hoax and then makes this post after and you claim it was politically motivated rather than a Business afraid that one of their employee's behaviour can tarnish the reputation of the only decent show they have in their channel. How can you justify your decision via the right of the Employer to refuse to renew a contract if their employee refused to follow company guidelines after being warned multiple times? I’m sorry, but if she wasn’t famous, no one would care. People are let go from companies all the time for breaking work contracts and bringing their company into disrepute. She’s no different. Whether you agree with her or not, she did violate her contract. This is not a cancel culture or libertarian government. This is real life! the problem is how she was fired. It was unprofessional and, arguably, discriminatory.  Buy it here:  Karen Huger I got vassinated so I could be around you heifers shirt

I can change the world but first I need the source code shirt

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 However it's time to change the slogan or expand it. Government cuts affect everything in every country in the world. You may swop with ours, you may be disappointed though. The UK fails to fully appreciate what a National Health System is. Advancement in health care comes at a price. Employment means taxes paid which means more benefit to all Social groups. I have no answers however many become tired of people complaining but not suggesting solutions. All politicians promise the earth, but fail to deliver, due to the fact that if it was possible it would be done. There are only so many eggs in one basket. I find balancing the housekeeping hard enough, let alone a countries budget. Nuff said. over and out on this post. Stay Well everyone. Berenice Prentice not running it down but be honest I have seen the poverty & inequality myself & its so sad that what is a relatively affluent country that some of its citizens are living in squalor.   Buy it here:  I can ...

Jesus is my health insurance commentary shirt

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 are in allowing them to be so reliant on a source of something so important to all of us for everyday living, what a pity that the Cons slowed & were against alternative sustainable forms to make sure that dangerous & expensive Nuclear, alternative forms that are more economic & sustainable must continue to be encouraged very much more, diversification is so important & of course forms of storage which can be much wider than just batteries of course there are now various types & more coming on some that may not have been imagined yet or at least not fully sorted/developed yet. the great advantage is that sustainable electricity could take over fully from fossil fuels though Green hydrogen can become very convenient. Germany had to import theirs when the wind was not blowing enough.  Buy ti here:  Jesus is my health insurance commentary shirt

Surviving purely out of spite shirt

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 They are committing genocide against the Uighurs, and they are threatening war against Democratic countries like Taiwan and Ukrain, which will drag the whole world into war! If governments aren't going to do anything about it then Citizens of the world can and should! We should all boycott anything produced in china! That might mean you missing out on the latest new trend for a while, but that will hurt the companies that have their products produced in china, and they will be forced to move their production somewhere ells! This will weaken chinas monetary power and clout, which will weaken countries like russia, north korea, iran, syria, and turkey who benefit from chinas wealth.  Buy it here:  Surviving purely out of spite shirt

Eddie Munson Stranger Things Hell Fire Club shirt

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  the same goes for the PCR test If the goverment let private providers overcharge then it a problem with the goverment not the privat sector.. everyone it in it for the money. Hugh Cole what about their obligations regarding data protection and discrimination. I don't for one minute believe shops and pubs will refuse custom if you havent got one of those cards. For a start what happens if you lose it are you supposed to starve? Linda West the travel vaccinations and anti malaria tablets are recommended but not made compulsory. Malaria is one of the biggest killers but it’s not compulsory to buy or take anti malaria tablets when visiting India. I bought and took them though when on holiday in Goa as not dying from a mosquito bite, same with Covid I’m not dying from that so took the vacc. Buy it here:  Eddie Munson Stranger Things Hell Fire Club shirt

Beatles American Tour Concert John Lennon Paul Mccartmi Ringo Starw Borhe Harrisn shirt

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   The problem is I’ve been vaccinating and there are no changing facilities except for in the toilets not ideal I would never wear my uniform if I was on public transport but now the job I’m doing I do travel to the clinics in my uniform. Valerie Kenyon those are normal medical procedures. People are more vulnerable in hospital environments, and also hospitals can concentrate pathogens to more dangerous levels. So obviously contaminated items fo clothing and equipment need to be sanitised on site. And in the real world, we have to follow appropriate sanitary procedures. But in the real world we're not living in hospitals, just spending time outside resolves a lot of the probs you will find in an enclosed space with multiple sick patients. Remember the old mantra, dilution is the solution to pollution. Buy it here:  Beatles American Tour Concert John Lennon Paul Mccartmi Ringo Starw Borhe Harrisn shirt

I love drinking Pool water shirt

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 I am sure I have worked with viruses which were more infectious than corona, but we had strict protocols to protect ourselves and others. And now those protocols are having to be adhered by everybody, by people who were not trained in such regimes and hence the difficulty. I get into a lot of arguments about stuff that I think is sort of basic and taken for granted but that people find very onerous. It is quite interesting. Valerie Kenyon Yes I remember that and it makes sense. I guess if they are having to conduct research to reiterate such basic hygiene it means that it is not being practiced, which is a big surprise to me. Scary to think that hospital workers are taking their uniforms home. The first hospital I ever worked in also had showers and we used to change and wash before we left.  Buy it here:  I love drinking Pool water shirt ​​​​​​​

Every cool girl Ishalf aboy shirt

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 Yeah and who hires and fires? Who gets all your documentation organized when challenged? How registers complaints and validated them? I’m not a fan of HR at all. I think they’re a lot of red tape and exclusiveness. I just think in a company that large it’s an unfortunate cost of doing business. A busy supervisor might be weighed down with all day to day of HR issues and then taken away completely when there’s a problem. A company that big there would literally be multiple individuals with complaints daily. Sucks but people are tough to manage. Blair Kcity documentation can be automated and so can complaints. Buy it here:  Every cool girl Ishalf aboy shirt

Everybody has an addiction mine just happens to be Bret Michaels shirt

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  Perhaps it was a bad HR department that I was most familiar with who required management by rote with little room for people? Anyway, at least half of management is made up US consultant guff for which organisations paid a fortune. Its these departments that create the paperwork in the first place. Mainly to justify their own existence. When computers were first used in businesses they were lauded as a way to reduce man power when the opposite was true. In organisations like the Police force IT has increased massively the information stored with operational officers spending hours staring into screens sending Emails.  Buy it here:  Everybody has an addiction mine just happens to be Bret Michaels shirt ​​​​​​​

He who hath not a Uterus should shut the fucketh up Fallopians 13:13 shirt

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  They never do anything. So it's no good reporting anything to them. No..lol what it means is that direct management would be able to fire them without needing the red tape that HR is. I don't think this actually does anything to protect the employee. It's less oversight, meaning power can be abused. HR can be annoying, but they do a lot to make sure management doesn't go nuts. I am critically depend on people and technology and I don't want to invest in them - this is not a virtue..... its a way of trying to run a business on the cheap and do lots of activities "side of the desk" increasing stress on employees (who don't have skills or experience). Chris Volbrecht , then he didn't do away with those departments.  Buy it here:  He who hath not a Uterus should shut the fucketh up Fallopians 13:13 shirt

I smoked crack with Nancy Reagan shirt

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 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name." This is an ‘okay’ idea in practise for overseas travel only, but what about women and their partners who are maybe trying for a family and are avoiding the vaccine until they’ve fallen pregnant or after birth (but not avoiding it altogether, once it’s their turn, just due to family planning reasons) they cannot be penalised and excluded from normal life during that period because they do not want the vaccine at that time !  Buy it here:  I smoked crack with Nancy Reagan shirt

Beer Birdie Bogey Eagle Par shirt

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 Regardless of whether you want the vaccine or not this is a curtailment of your freedom to roam in a so called free country. If you choose to go abroad to a country which enforces the vaccine that is your affair but to be told you cannot go to Tescos in your own town unless you have had a vaccine is a step too far. Gerry Jones I want to understand. What's the essence of the vacine if it cannot give us full protection against the virus. Why should I be scared of being infected with the virus by an unvaccinated person when I have been vaccination. It does mean, being vaccinated is a whole waste of time. The vaccines we have all give a good degree of protection, but none give 100%, although the second jab brings is very close.  Buy it here:  Beer Birdie Bogey Eagle Par shirt

I just wanna have fundamental human rights shirt

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 They are supposed to have cctv and radars to detect stopped vehicles but most smart motorways don't have radar so rely on cctv operators only. They simply are not smart motorways and without the full equipment they should have then they never will be. Dave Hollings Because it sort of worked on the M42 to the south of Birmingham along a very short stretch, some not so smart minister thought that it could work along miles and miles of motorways throughout the rest of England. It doesn’t and government were told as much. But they are not well known for their ability’s to listen and definitely not to understand. One prime example of that is the not so smart Chris Grayling, the minister who gave a Ferry Company a contract for channel crossings and they didn’t own or have any ferries. Buy it here:  I just wanna have fundamental human rights shirt

I want the smoke Josh Naylor signature shirt

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  I can't believe that they cover their regime government president bokhari and the real agents of opec Hello B.B.C,MY Name is michael kaine from sierra leone westafrica,i am surjesting some idear for niegeria leaders about the floshing of boko haram armmy forces,please leaders and president of nieger i want u to visite sierra leone to ask them how they form the kamajur society,they were special forces who cametogather to flosh out the rabels from villages and cities,this groups controled gun and silent gun sounds from explosure,please use the sierra leone gorvememt to tell u much about this groups to use the same idear to flosh out stupid boko haram from nieger,thanks. the other crucial thing that MUST be remembered, was that in the proving trial, radar was fitted and laybys, or emergency refuges as the modernspeak generation have now dubbed them, were a lot closer together.  Buy it here:  I want the smoke Josh Naylor signature shirt

I’manburg poggers gogy tubbo moment dream smp shirt

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  it's not an accident which they can see as security weakness but these increasing number of abductions is a new lucrative business which can be involved with every side regardless their uniform . its time when Nigerian parents should protect their children. That's not kidnapping, that's an arrangement between the politicians and the security agents. Can you even kidnap 10 goats at the same time in a sane environment? When two elephants are fighting the grass under them will suffer it. It's a rift between two political parties and it's been going on for a while now. They're using human lives to play their political games. Abduction has become a very lucrative business in Nigeria since the government decided to be paying Ransom, and willing to negotiate with criminals, instead of using high level intelligence gathering,and effectively track down bandits and bokoharam.  Buy it here:  I’manburg poggers gogy tubbo moment dream smp shirt

ACKnowledge Bloodline shirt

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  Fishing like that equals to fishing with explosives in a lake, its not like we are in a war and we are short on food, why the hell fish in such devastating way...clearly done solely for quick and cheap short term profit and not thinking about long term. And the only reason its not banned, because it was probably lobbied heavily. Dumping any article into the sea without permission is against UK national law and UN international law (UNCLOS, London convention Paris convention etc etc) to prevent pollution and damage to the environment. Illegally dumping boulders is not the answer to curtail the activity of super-trawlers etc. This needs to be done by agreed regulation and enforcement. It amazes me how many people are concerned with scallops and crabs , etc ... what about our homeless ? Buy it here:  ACKnowledge Bloodline shirt

I can’t wait until I’m old enough to pretend I can’t hear shirt

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  Andrew Heater, we are seeing more and more dolphins on our coast and more seals, so it's not unusual to have one washed ashore dead, that is also nature, and by the way conger eels are landed for a decent price, you should better think about all the commercial fish that has to be dumped because not allowed to land due to the green idiots who forced the fishermen to bring undersized live fish to the shore instead of letting them back into the sea and survive and breed. That is how smart green people are.Its a question of greed and looking at this problem thoughtfully. Ok you use a super trawler to fish. You rake the seabottom, kill everything there. In time there will be nothing there to catch. Stop this practise now. Sorry but if fishermen themselves or the governments involved can't get some better control, then I go with Greenpeace on this one. Rod Corbett Absolute rubbish.  Buy it here:  I can’t wait until I’m old enough to pretend I can’t hear shirt

I may not have a PhD but I do have a DD 214 share if got one shirt

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  Governments give the rights to fishermen and their quotas (ie the amount of fish they catch). They are taking the law into there own hands it's criminal. Surely there is a better way of going about it. Those boulder they are putting are not charted and that makes it very dangerous for all Seafarers. Dave Robbie no it's all boats banned from areas putting boulders down damaged the environment down their plus boulders were never their so wat ur doing is wrong. Simply listen to this if u can't follow rules or laws the fines will be hefty, ull all loose your license n ur boats n every thing on them will be scrapped it's clear enough for both sides. Dave Robbie OR you knowingly drop a hazard into a location where trawl nets are going to be. Snag a net that is ripped from its boat and create a ghost net that won't degrade for several hundred years and continually kills marine life.  Buy it here:  I may not have a PhD but I do have a DD 214 share if got one shirt

I’m an artist do you know how rare it is to see me outside shirt

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  Jackie Parker agin not sure what you are trying to advocate. People will be catching covid for many years to come. The whole point of this was to reduce the death rate and protect the NHS which the vaccine is doing. Cases don’t matter if the death rates are reduced. Are you saying covid should be zero before life gets back to normal? Jayne Heal Can I just say yet again... Schools have never been closed in the UK. They have been open throughout! Schools are just going to be open to more students from next Monday. Saying Schools have been closed is so disrespectful to all teaching and support staff who have worked hard throughout lockdown. Go live in Scotland if you think Ms Sturgeon is so much better. Mark Harris schools have not been shut throughout the pandemic.  Buy it here:  I’m an artist do you know how rare it is to see me outside shirt

Enjoy Jesus Christ thou shalt never thirst shirt

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 Figures are based on covid being on the death certificate. If someone dies within 28 days of having the virus covid is on the death certificate. So if i tested positive for the virus, 2 weeks later tested negative then within the following two weeks i got run over and killed, covid would be on the death certificate. So many key workers who have been working the whole time through this and then going home to their poor families never got offered a chance and how many of them took it home to their families without knowing... Don't get me wrong it's a good thing but surely everyone deserves to be treated the same... And yes not to long before the number 3 wave hits as specially as so many don't want the vaccine. Tammy Dridge exactly that. Myself and my partner essential workers have worked right through this and even worked with people testing positive without knowing they had it at first, and partner delivering PPE from last march to care homes and hospitals putting ourselve...

Fed Up give God control he delivers Psalm 3419 shirt

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 Delia Parks worked perfectly and swiftly for us my sister works in psychiatric hospital and they use them toners Daily she had a slight faint line 24 hours and showed up right after contac with a positive case. Allowing us to isolate quickly I'm extremely vulnerable without these laterflow being available I would have been really sick. Basically agree with the comment. Okay there is an argument the test will catch some positive cases. However we should not kid ourselves that the testing will eliminate the extra risk and make things 'safe'. However potentially it may make things a bit less dangerous. On the other hand it may make things more dangerous by encouraging a false sense of security. What I would say to Greta Henderson, is that in the healthcare setting you are talking about there are people skilled in using the equipment, which we would not expect to be the case in schools or domestic homes. Buy it here:  Fed Up give God control he delivers Psalm 3419 shirt

Fuck the Bible blackcraft cult shirt

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 Delia Parks and if they hadn't had the lateral flow test at all then 30%+ of cases would have been going to work with no symptoms so would have had literally no reason to have a test. If it catches even half of them and tells them to go for a real test then it's better than no test at all isn't it? Jamie Bankhead and the country doesn't rely on them. They're screening devices, if it's positive you get a real test. It's just a more accurate way than taking someone's temperature because it captures asymptomatic cases too. These people just don't understand basic things. Delia Parks the problem with them is people have clung to them not being 100% accurate when nothing is. They need a cheap, quick, easy way to let someone know they can go to work today. If it only catches half of them then it's better than catching none.  Buy it here:  Fuck the Bible blackcraft cult shirt

Dinosaur Eat the Patriarchy shirt

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 I have done my part to get us all through this. What upsets me is that selfish and deluded people like you will send their untested children into schools and potentially infect others. I do not see why I should be exposed to the child of anyone who has sat at home enjoying their furlough and the safety of being socially distanced while I have worked to help keep this country going, and to potentially become infected by that child and take the disease home to my own wife and children. You ask why if it is unsafe are schools reopening? They are reopening because we have testing in place to help make them safe! You are trying to make them unsafe! So, you're anti-mask as well? I bet you've been breaking lockdown as well haven't you? Everyone else doing their best to stop the spread of this virus and you're there just doing what you like in your selfish and arrogant way, thinking you know better than every expert in the world.  Buy it here:  Dinosaur Eat the Patriarchy shir...