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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2022

Fight like a Final Girl shirt

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  They should do that here. I've just been to Aldi to get a food shop for tomorrow (yes I've left it a bit late, lol) and the amount of people literally filling their trollies full with alcohol, tells me there's going to be a lot of people breaking rules and having parties. People condoning this as a good measure and essentially wishing their freedoms away are the real problem here, the last time the French were ordered to stay in their houses we were fighting a war to free Europe from tyranny! Bunch of nutcases and dangerous ones at that. So let's put it like this, you have one rat that has rabies and you don't want that rat to infect other rats, so you try to control the rat because it doesn’t believe it has rabies and just goes around infecting other lives. Do you think this rat should be free roaming around the city and spreading its rabies? Buy it here:  Fight like a Final Girl shirt

Macready Nobody trusts anybody now shirt

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  The proverbial will hit a rotating blade if you happen to want to work on the continent, or if you fall in love with some continental and would actually love to live together with them, or you realise that that wonderful Portuguese paramedic who saved your life got fed up of being accused of stealing an English job and left you to be saved by. Julie Oakes yes, there is education, work, life changing experiences, all stolen from my grandchildren and yours. Thanks a bunch. Oh and security. We may be able to stop people at the border but they are no longer going to tell us who is dodgy to let in. How does that help? Bridget Robertson what are you rambling on about? Your grandchildren can still get an education, they can still work, they can still have life changing experiences.  Buy it here:  Macready Nobody trusts anybody now shirt

Gazza there’ll always be an England shirt

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 Chaz Carter Do you realise that under EU rules migrants could legally be deported back to the first country from which they entered the EU, that’s why the UK could deport them and not allow them in — but now the UK is obligated under international law to accept ALL migrants that land and can no longer send them back to the country at which they first entered the EU? No, I didn’t think you would.  Pessimism pessimism everywhere. No one is forcing you to go to Europe, you can go all over the world or holiday in the UK, you know, help build our economy back up. Bloody hell, there's more to life than going on holiday! Maybe things will improve for us Brits, give it a chance for God's sake. Julie Oakes holidays is no problem. Except in case you get ill.  Buy it here:  Gazza there’ll always be an England shirt

Macready Nobody trusts anybody now shirt

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 I just hope this doesn’t mean that hospitals will still be stressed as many people will not get this virus badly so don’t need the vaccine quite so much. It’s good to get the roll out going but not to possibly compromise what the vaccine can achieve. I think I’m “miffed” as it feels to me some politician made this decision and vaccine makers weren’t consulted until later just typical of this Gov. Brigid Cusack sorry that was not what was on the news earlier. GP’s and hospitals had been told that those people who had already had one dose of the Pfizer jab would now have to wait for their second dose until March they were told to cancel these appointments and make new ones for new people a huge undertaking. Some hospitals and GP’s are refusing to do this thankfully and luckily the BMA are going to back them up.  Buy it here:  Macready Nobody trusts anybody now shirt

Obama you are killing this country Joe Biden just finishing what you started boss shirt

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 Not that they were having fun but the fact that this crap will never end! And those who are high risk like myself have lived with fear and anxiety all year and this year is not a fresh start from that either. What the hell is this headline. Seriously. Get more positive please, this effects people’s mental state! How about “despite a hard year, new year is still celebrated around the globe” and have different stories about the fireworks, the people getting creative, zoom calls etc. Seriously you have a responsibility! Terence Huang It is the perfect time to be positive !! Plenty of us are! and life is better because of it, and we are not harming others as we keeping our distance and trying our best to not spread it ...but we do not have to be miserable about it! We can look at the difference with great positivity. I changed from losing out on about 4 holidays, endless theatre shows, exhibitions and numerous meals with friends to a world of walking on my own or with a friends dog - ...

Trump Chump Toxic waste Dump shirt

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 Laughing emojis ffs! What is happening to humanity that empathy is thrown away and smug selfishness I'm alright Jack and it's their own fault clung onto? When you cried out in need as a baby, wasn't your mother there to give you her unconditional love? Perhaps not looking at some of the pcomments. There but for fortune go you or I. It could be our turn next! One world, one humanity, one lifetime to do the right thing. You're not even being asked to go there and help! Show a little compassion people! Right, so let me get this straight? They burned their own camp down and selfishly left everyone with no shelter and are now crying that they are cold and conditions are bad? Then maybe, just maybe, setting it on fire was a dumb thing to do eh? Wtf is wrong with people. Good luck trying to get BiH to do anything. BiH has easily one of the most complex government systems in the world, a legacy from the 90s war.  Buy it here:  Trump Chump Toxic waste Dump shirt

Gold blooded Splash Brothers Curry and Thompson shirt

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  they ran a test on a section of the M42 and had lay-bys every 500m so you could always limp to one if needs be. When they rolled out the scheme, without consulting the relevant people in the testing, Highways England increased that distance to 2.5Km, which is over a mile. The numbers need to be put in context. For example, in 2018, 107 people died on motorways. The number of people who die on smart motorways could be rising because there is more of them. The question needs to be asked, did those people die because of the type of motorway? Or where they killed because of a particular driving error or accident? For example, why would a car crash into a stationary vehicle on a motorway? Driving without due care and attention obviously. This style of driving could kill on any road, and it kills many more people off the motorway.  Buy it here:  Gold blooded Splash Brothers Curry and Thompson shirt

Foopball America’s Spornt shirt

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 Most people I know who quit smoking, even years later still ended up with lung cancer. As an asthmatic this really confuses me as to how this is possible surely if lung cells could heal themselves asthmatics wouldn't need to be permanently taking preventer inhalers. I've never smoked myself other than passively as a child. I was told on diagnosis 30 years ago that environmemtal factors growing up close to Heathrow had played a part. My partner died 6 months ago, lung cancer and COPD. I hope I never have to see that daily struggle again. COPD takes quality away daily, he struggled for 15 years with it but the last 3/4 years were awful! Awful disease x The constant bouts of pneumonia were relentless. Gave up smoking 20 odd years ago best thing I ever did ,my hubby smoked from 12 years old and he gave up about 5 years ago and he has no regrets, my father died at 86 and smoked all his life my mother in law smoked all her life too had cancer in kidney but eventually stopped smoking...

I have two titles dog dad and cat dad and I rock them both shirt

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 Well that’s strange. As we in the Uk had a lot to do with America for many years at the start it is safe to say we have common things together. We have never really been part of mainland Europe in many ways but everytime you over there needed us we were there. Imagine now when The EU talks of making us suffer for having the nerve to want to self govern again. Did we not suffer enough for Europe? The EU is not Europe and we love Europe just not EU"Belonging to us". The EU isn't about ownership, it's about membership. Big difference in attitudes. The minute the EU starts acting like it owns countries is when it fails but it doesn't do that. It is about membership and progressive beliefs. Unfortunately a lot of people were duped by the UK press to think otherwise because of total lies. I'm British.  Buy it here:  I have two titles dog dad and cat dad and I rock them both shirt

Jared Booksmart shirt

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 The UK will end up full of Chinese as visas is their main trade tool. It’s happened in Australia and New Zealand already, and now the UK is out of the EU it will happen there. Before you know it the UK will turn into a province of Beijing. Anyone who lives in Melbourne or Sydney can tell you that. How is the UK going to compete economically on a global scale - none seems to be able to answer that. I hope the financial future is better than I anticipate. I hope the Tory government safeguards the NHS from US profiteering instead of selling it off to fill their pockets. I hope the Tory government hold the rich accountable for all their taxes instead of shielding them at the expense of everyone else. Kathleen Coffeen Jones the NHS is totally safe , Boris will nit sell it off , someone accused him of it just before the election and he got quite annoyed at the thought , Buy it here:  Jared Booksmart shirt

Juneteenth celebrating black freedom 6 19 1865 shirt

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  Petty English nationalists have no idea what you’re throwing away. Free movement with restrictions and frictionless trade sounds good but and a very big but who has benefit from it. Certainly not the NHS police force, frictionless crossing of borders means no control over what comes in dead or alive drugs weapens and God only knows what else coming in drug abuse is the cause of violent crimes and gang wars crimes knife stabbing deaths costing the NHS police millions. Open borders with no control over what comes in means basically death and distruction the facts are there proven one container full dead body's streets of London running red with blood. So tell me about us southern EU countries, if it's so good, why've we got 14%+ unemployment and little left to do but roll over when our master says so? I cannot for the life of me get it why Brits think the EU is so good...it's done little for us..lots of bling at the start and now just austerity measures and bad jobs.  B...