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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2022

Protect Trans Kids shirt

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 I did hope that ther email be a shift around the idea of having employees coming in sick even with minor illness. one staff off for 4 days is better than 3 staff off for 1. but it hasn't. I’ve had covid twice and had had all my vaccines including booster then 3 weeks later in the week up to Christmas got it and now got it again although I’d say it’s just been like a heavy head cold and cough this time. I know people who have had it twice, 3 months apart. They said the first time was like flu and the second was a sore throat but generally felt ok. I feel it is something that we just have to get used to now. Sold down the river for the new mrna technologies which they now have successfully brought to the market hm how lucky their is now a market. Almost like it was brought to life. sebbesnoibesinoioIt's a shame it was the BBC that made this docu. Seeing it was their employee doing these disgusting things on their watch.  Buy it here:  Protect Trans Kids shirt

X-Wing Star Wars 1977 Vintage shirt

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 At least Pfizer had these concerns to look out for of exposure to non vaxxed individuals in their clinical trials. I remember reading those from their documents. Ani Delice I’ve read a medical study of Hepatitis C reactivation in an eldery patient as a consequence of mRNA injection, implying transfection. coused by mal-nutrition and opportunist any type virus ataques!-Hepatitis +Anemia ;the truth isn't faar away from this union of bad nutrition -disorder and ataques of pportunist common infections. Obs-from this isyer to find the rigth responses! (Stella ) There is a conspiracy theory going on about the harvesting of ukrainian children organs in europe and the UK ever since the war broke out. Maybe the european and uk children with hepatitis had just received their organ transplant or vice versa. It may be the dissemination caused by the parents or older family shedding the viral load on to an immature immune system.  Buy it here:  X-Wing Star Wars 1977 Vintage shirt ​​​...

Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves Blue Jays shirt

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  Kira Young Yes, both my kids were born in the US and had the HepB vaccine. Unfortunately, it doesn't prevent the other Hep strains, and they're not convinced that this is even one of the known strains. Kira Young like in many countries first dose is within 24h after birth , it’s the subsequent doses many may be refusing / skipping and of course it won’t achieve the same degree of protection. Kira Young Well the latest and probably most plausible theory is that it's an acute hepatic reaction to having had covid recently, or any one of several adenoviruses. Can unvaccinated immigrants be the cause of the spread. I'm not against immigration, but with so many asylum seekers in many first world countries where vaccination isn't a thing in their original countries, could this be a reason for the rise with these statistics? Perhaps the study should reveal more to validate those who should be concerned.  Buy it here:  Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball a...

Bear yes I smell like Weed and you smell I like you missed out Vintage shirt

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 Sports & politics need a demarcation. Sports people use sport as a means of survival & not recreation. Time for a revamp & respect of other people's livelihood. Will their sanction affect the war in anyway? I'm living in Dubai surrounded by a lot of Russians keen to escape the failing Russian economy but many, many of them very much proudly waving the national flag. I feel for these players if they are against the war, but I'm feeling less sympathetic now that I'm witnessing so much Russian national pride around me. I except that is tough. They are Russian and have to stand up and be counted. Russia would use them for propoganda should they win, loose or be excluded. It is very sad for them that they are playing at a time when Putin and his forces are murdering civilians and destroying Ukraine as a Country. By paying the price of exclusion they are supporting the fight against Russia and Belaruse of which they can and should be proud. It is very bad idea to...

Thomas Kub shirt

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 The west has imposed sanctions on Putin and Putin has done the same, these sanctions seems to be less consequential to the general view but they have serious diplomatic implications only to be understood by the people involved, how I wish United Nations can do more in finding solution to the stand off between Russia and the westerner block because by the end of the day all of these sanctions are affecting innocent people across the world. And even if he 'wins'. Crushes Ukraine into the ground. He has NO absolutely no allies. Where does he go then? Sadly a man with psychological problems, but someone put him 'in charge' and for whatever reason, some believe in him. Putin is really really displaying signs of acute impaired reasoning; suffering from hallucinations, hearing voices, paranoia and megalomania I am sure his aides and members of war council are having bad times; these are same delusions reported in the memoir of close aides of Hitler after World War II; In his ...

Skull whatever I did to piss you off please let me know so I can do it again shirt

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 Worthless military. Steven, they have never been a military superpower. Their military budget will be lower than that of Germany as soon as G. rises it to the promised 2 %... Putin is not only a military dwarf, but also an economic one. But the fact that he is incapable to fight a conventional war against NATO makes insane Putin so terribly dangerous because of his nuclear weapons. Steven Miller I'm only going to tell you this. If Russia runs out of options and gets backed out into a corner they will use those nuclear missiles. They might not reach the US but Europe will be destroyed. Even in this situation, we know very well which country will benefit the most. The same country that has been fueling this conflict for year and wants to put their hands on russian resources. Madalin Popa I don’t think even Putin is stupid enough to think he can win a nuclear engagement; 20 mins after his attack, Russia will be a pile of ashes. Buy it here:  Skull whatever I did to piss you off ...

Woke up again wasn’t worth it shirt

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 Running a ward with two staff nurses who can't even get the vital meds out to their patients until many hours after they were due is not safe practice. A&E staff forgetting about their patients & not calling the relevant specialist, patients getting severely dehydrated because no one's available to think about fluids for patients let alone getting drinks for themselves. Secondly Covid is rife amongst staff as well as burn out, staff collapsing in A&E where their bodies can't cope with the demands put on them. The Tory government have set up the NHS to fail as they sneak in privatisation bit by bit. Things are out of hand. we must lockdown now for 100 years close non essential shops pubs restaurants gyms cinemas nightclubs and sports events only leave the house to buy essentials or exercise and if you do need to go out wear a hazmat suit.  Buy it here:  Woke up again wasn’t worth it shirt

Ferk Jer Berden chef shirt

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 This is all down to the government and no one else With all that has gone on over the last 2 years all the back logs and the government says its all over just because the back bencher of the Conservative party didn't like it and boris caved All because its now not illigal to have a party and there not going to get a fine of £50 which for them is pocket change but for the real people of this country it means they can eat and there children will not go to bed hungry. NHS staff telling how it is. Boris and his deluded Government " Hope on the horizon " Ffs.. get a grip of things. This Government want privatisation of most departments. I A good example of how these MPs work us the fire service. Our local MP Mr Lewis decimated the fire service during his term. With 20% cuts , including closer of 10 stations in London. Whst makes people think these turn coats actually care. Building a Hospital? Who will own it?  Buy it here:  Ferk Jer Berden chef shirt

I’m not short I’m a people Mcnugget shirt

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 Russia are targeting civilians to make Ukraine submit to save them, they are also wiping out cities making them inhabitable. I hope when it's all over Russia are forced to pay to rebuild all this blatant destruction because there is no need for it. In case Ukrainian army could have a long-range armaments and missiles it might have exterminated Putler's nazi artillery before it had killed so many innocents in Ukraine. But NATO is afraid of putler's nukes which it can't use because this creature may kill his own brood living in Europe. Or so? Is UN just watching the atrocities committed by Putin..? economic sanctions are not enough to stop Putin whilst lives of innocent civilians lost on the ground..Help Ukraine. How long this war must go on ,how many inocent people have to die, i can't take' it enymoore, it drives me crazy to know all that can be stoped if only GERMANY, and all the other european countrys stop all imports of gas , petrol, and coal,  Buy it here:...

Comedians in cars getting clobbered shirt

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 Graeme SkycladLad you may not remember the 1980's documentary where a young MP did this. He couldn't manage on dole for a week!! Despite this, benefits were cut. Janet Breeze the series was in the 90s, there was IDS, a Liberal mp called Simon something and the one that was in celebrity get me out of here, she put 20 in her bra, and was found out. In some African Countries like in Zambia, that is the Salaries of the highly paid. Getting that same hourly rate as a day's rate is a dream for the Majority workers. You are a Blessed Country. Thank God for that. The majority of people working for the minimum wage will have their wages topped up by Universal credit/ other benefits - i.e. the taxpayer. An increase in the minimum wage is less about putting more money in those workers pockets, than it is about reducing the cost of topping up those wages from taxes, and putting the financial cost onto the employer. The majority of people working for the minimum wage will have their wa...