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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2021

This Beard is an acquired taste don’t like it acquire some taste shirt

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  I was quite suprised. Maybe it was an edited bit for photos, press were there. Beryl Elledge I don't give a monkies what the nurse does or says. Just said I saw this video so it's not a lie and maybe it was edited to show the bit done for photo opportunity for the press to all get pictures and not the actual injection part which obviously wouldn't be repeated over and over for photos. Easily edited to be used to deceive people. You are starting an argument with someone who has agreed with you. Elizabeth Robertson do you listen to yourself? Staged? That's the most ridiculous thing. You need to grow up. Don't you think the whole world press would be all over it? Or do you think he controls the press? You'd think if he controls the press he might have stopped the leak about the party, the quiz and other stuff? Absolutely ridiculous. Kelvin Jones well said! Action speaks louder than words!, and in Boris’s chaotic actions with his mishandling of the Pandemic he cer...

Satan Biden now that’s the ugliest Christmas sweater

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  I managed to still catch it, she also said the UK government has donated our stock of AZ vacccine to third world countries. So now the government have a tricky situation. Convince the un jabbed to have it because it works so well while convincing the jabbed that actually it's not that good so have another. Wake up world. I wish people would whingeing and moaning and listening to false, irrational conspiracy theories and madness and just listen to people who have been working on these vaccines for years. They have knowledge and expertise whereas conspiracy theorist just have mad notions. Vaccines can’t work 100% but go a long way to helping and stopping serious illness and death.  Buy it here:  Satan Biden now that’s the ugliest Christmas sweater

The Freeman Factor logo shirt

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  There has been very real, serious danger for those without power. Fortunately the people who live in those forgotten counties north of Yorkshire and south of Scotland are very used to being forgotten. As always during an emergency local community groups, individuals and small businesses jump straight into action by knocking on doors, providing food, hot drinks and doing everything they could to help those who needed it. Huge thanks are owed to them. We know we have to rely on ourselves to help our communities and the real north is brilliant at that. But we can't fix power and water infrastructure that has been underfunded for many years. Bring our essential services back into public ownership. They should be accountable to us, not profit driven multinationals. A week to help our own? Come on Boris Johnson you can do better than this!  Buy it here:  The Freeman Factor logo shirt

Vinger in Je keel helpt Altijd shirt

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 Clara Fagundes as a victim she had NO right to lie and victimize an innocent man. And destroy his life then vilify him in a book profit off his pain and misery and stay silent as he rotted away in jail.  Clara Fagundes agreed. Reading about this in other articles ( because I then googled this case and did some reading) right at the start she said she couldn't positively identify her attacker and failed to pick him out. The police & prosecution convinced her it was him when she wasn't sure and really didn't know. Almost like he fitted the bill and they wanted someone to blame. For years afterwards she believed they had got the right man because they convinced her of that. I bey she feels terrible. Remember she was young back then and had been through a terrible traumatic experience then the court case. Because they convinced her she went on to identity him. Buy it here:  Vinger in Je keel helpt Altijd shirt

Warning I may start talking about Jesus at anytime shirt

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  Helen Mukoro Idisi quite a few years late here, you can't imply that god is all powerful but let an innocent man rot in a cell for years, oh but everything happens for a reason what was the reason here a book deal? And it her power and money wasn't the issue here, a traumatised r*pe victim fingered the wrong person on a street and couldn't pick him out of a line up the prosecution decided to try the case they are the experts, they should have never gone ahead with the flimsy evidence they had. She was the victim too and cannot be blamed by the system failure. She was rapped. She even failed to recoganize him on police line up, though did it later. It’s about the police, the persecutors, the jury... Facial recognition after a traumatic event fails, it is well-known. Buy it here:  Warning I may start talking about Jesus at anytime shirt

Santa Joe Biden one thankful Biden ugly Christmas sweater

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  they obviously can't sustain on average 30mph. Have said for years that you can chuck all the money you want at the NHS it will not solve the issue. Over the last decade this government have systematically cut the funding of all auxiliary services that help augment the NHS. Care in community, mental health services, drop in centers, addiction services, respite care, social care. All funding stopped or slashed forcing charities to fill the void. As the lady said the NHS then get the outcome of the lack of care and assistance these services previously provided as an emergency and in most cases the bed is then blocked as there is no ability to get care packages in place to let the person leave hospital. This is what a over decade of continuous tory cuts to services gets you.  Buy it here:  Santa Joe Biden one thankful Biden ugly Christmas sweater ​​​​​​​

Trump cookie make Christmas great again shirt

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  So your idea is to blind someone who is already driving like an idiot? And then when they are blind and hit a cyclist they didn't see because of it, it's their fault. I hope you walk better then you think. Looking at this from a lesson in probability it stands to reason that if the number of road users increases so the number of injuries on the road will increase. Because those who were not careful and responsible road users prior to the rise are still dangerous. They haven't changed but the number of people they can injure has! So many cyclists wear dark clothes and no helmet still. Plus no lights at night. You really can't see them. There needs to be a law that all 3 are compulsory. It's no different to a car without headlights. It's because most folks spent 18mths forgetting how to drive, standards of driving now to before lockdown is attrocious, no patients, no manners Buy it here:  Trump cookie make Christmas great again shirt