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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2022

Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Whiskey Tequila Vodka Christmas shirt

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 And the press has been compromised. And it’s not just the mainstream corporate media, but also the so-called alternative media like Huffington Post. Daniel Schulman wrote in the Columbia …Journalism Review that for journalists this is radioactive, that this is a career-ending controversy. So reporters won’t touch it, they’re really scared of it. Doctors won’t come out. Doctors lose their licenses if they talk about this. What we need is sunlight. If you put a little sunlight on this controversy, the whole thing’s going to fall apart. We’re going to beat these people. I feel this, and I’ve spent my life working on energy issues, environmental issues, and global warming, Buy it here:  Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Whiskey Tequila Vodka Christmas shirt

Homeland security put me on the naughty list Christmas shirt

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 David Foulkes that’s completely different though, that’s shock value for a reason, he did that song to shock people because it shouldn’t be a case where people get desensitised just because it’s been a few years, also something about gun laws in there too. you are aware if u watch the video for Darkness he encourages the folk of USA to vote to get rid of gun laws and to find a way to stop all the violence in the country he was born in? Folk dont listen to his lyrics or havent listened to any of his songs for last 23 years all they do is look onto articles that clearly make it sound worse than what he actually means and to get a reaction out of readers everyone should listen to this album and maybe theyll understand the meaning of his songs.  Buy it here:  Homeland security put me on the naughty list Christmas shirt