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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2022

Ghost of KYIV Ukraine Fighter Jet shirt

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  Afghanistan just to mention a few they have been silent on the never ending embargo in Cuba. They have continued to pay a blind eye to the toppling of regitimate governments in Central America.  So India , UAE are also a problem along with the usual suspect China ! Role on Taiwan and China ! Then again the UAE have a strong relationship with India and have yet to demonstrate anything remotely resembling significant action /support for Palestine ! Carmel Gormley Thousands of Indians died in Europe during world wars under British. India has no interest in European wars and no suffering due to it. USSR/Russia is longtime friend of India. US supported genocide of Hindus in East Pakistan. Buy it here:  Ghost of KYIV Ukraine Fighter Jet shirt

Skeleton Moon It’s been bad shirt

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  Hoping that in package of sanctions assets will be frozen of Johnson’s Tory funding tennis partners, the Russia report on interference in our democracy will be published, and any offspring of KGB officers elevated to the Lords by Johnson will no longer be used as his party host. My son lives and works in Russia, and as usual ,our news does not report the whole stories. They have said nothing about the Russian nationals who live out in Kiev and have been executed since 2014. It is time we kept our noses out of other people's affairs. Jessie Bauchope Young Case in point - ‘In Russia’. You better pray that russians in the UK don’t start claiming that they are being murdered here. Before you know it you will have Putin’s armies knocking on your front door.  Buy it here:  Skeleton Moon It’s been bad shirt

The Dragon and the Wolf shirt

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 But some people become so desperate that they shell out the money themselves to just feel safe and secure in their bodies. Omar Al Mohammed ever heard of national insurance? Though probably not as most likely don't even live in UK. Also what has parents got to do with a grown adults life and financial decisions? dear western media, before dealing with your own fails, accept the fact that you lost this battle and know now who in fact are winners of your so much begged war, in fact without firing one bullet. good luck. uh huh.... this is starting to remind me of the WMD fiasco when the US made claaaaaaims about how Saddam was going to nuke us and refused to give us proof...national security risk was the premise cited  Buy it here:  The Dragon and the Wolf shirt

Lehman Brothers Risk Management Department 2008 shirt

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 So that is the story, Kiev is the aggressor and the threatened have to seek refuge in the peace loving Russia. Western countries economically nearly to collapse as USA dept more than 20 trillion even unable to pay 20% interest in USA Federal Reserve Bank while China dominating global markets has more than 120 trillion dollars and it is the main reason that western to escalate WW3 not Ukrain or Taiwan to be the leader of our planet by force or destruction for all tragedy and this time not like WW1 & WW2 Eastern countries will defeat Western confidently. Break up of Austro-Hungarian Empire,  Buy it here:  Lehman Brothers Risk Management Department 2008 shirt

The older you get the more you realize that It’s okay to live a life others don’t understand shirt

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 Can everyone please learn that staging guerilla protests that prevent innocent people living their lives is always going to wind a lot of people up and generally damage your cause? Christine you must love cancel culture.. these are hundreds of thousands of people demanding freedom to WORK and freedom to medical and health autonomy, freedom to what to INJECT in your OWN body! Plus vax comes with a risk therefore there should be choice with the risk coming with it. Romiana Khoury the risks are so minuscule, it’s ridiculous to even reference them! Guess you don’t take aspirin and would refuse medications if hospitalized since all meds have risks. “Cancel culture” is being done by those who refuse to cooperate with mitigation efforts and let this pandemic drag on — canceling everyone’s culture! People in Ottawa would love to go back to work!  Buy it here:  The older you get the more you realize that It’s okay to live a life others don’t understand shirt

USA Curling logo shirt

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 The fasc crack-down on the “good” half is already beginning.  Why the media so focus on his side and try to humanize this? He is nothing but individual made a choice to and but his “freedom” self alone without a regard to any civil society contribution and this has a consequences. feeling hurt is apart of the consequences. Freedom =responsibility =consequences. That simple! Tharwat Awamleh they indeed do. I'm looking at bigger picture. If media doesn't report what's going on around us, those who will not find their topics discussed at all are more likely to change to different sources. That has consequences beyond the harms of someone being publicly wrong. Heather Louise Knibbs exactly. Buy it here:  USA Curling logo shirt